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Caroline Royer - Hypnotherapist certified in ericksonian hypnosis and certified nutritionist

Attention : Malheureusement, je ne peux momentanément pas accepter de nouveaux clients. Si besoin, écrivez-moi sur mon adresse e-mail pour que je puisse vous rediriger vers un/une collègue

About me

My approach

In a process to identify the real problems generating a state of distress, anxiety, tension or stress, I welcome you by listening to you and offering you follow-up with various therapeutic tools. We define together the steps to be pursued and the appropriate follow-up, to finally feel free to move forward with confidence.


However, I would like to clarify that the support I offer is not a medical consultation, nor psychiatric, nor a psychological diagnosis. Contact me to find out more.


Nothing makes me happier and more proud than watching the progress and success of my clients.


My journey

  • 2022 - Undergraduate diploma ASCA Pathology - module 2 (coming soon)

  • 2021 - Bachelor of Psychology (ongoing)

  • 2021 - Aromatherapy diploma (ongoing)

  • 2021 - Nutrition diploma

  • 2020 - Undergraduate diploma ASCA in Anatomy Physiology and Pathology

  • 2020 - Psychotrauma certificate (in hypnosis)

  • 2020 - Hypnosis certificate for children

  • 2020 - HypnoNatal® certificate

  • 2020 - Master practitioner diploma in NLP (ongoing)

  • 2019 - Smoking cessation hypnosis & food compulsions certificate

  • 2019 - Practitioner diploma in NLP

  • 2019 - Master practitioner diploma in Ericksonian hypnosis

  • 2018 - Practitioner diploma in Ericksonian hypnosis

Accueil: À propos

My ethics

  • Total confidentiality.

  • Maximum support, provided by my certified skills in addition to my experience.

  • We will define the objectives together, then an adapted support in the implementation of the most effective means.

  • Kindness, all requests are important, the person is respected in his/her integrity, his/her experience and the reason for his/her consultation. No judgment is made.

  • Each person is respected in their ideology, religion and opinions.

  • If the person's request exceeds my field of competence, I am transparent with them and refer them to a colleague able to process their request.

In any case, do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions.

Accueil: À propos


The support that makes the difference

Need help reaching your life goals? I have four options to settle your problem. Do not forget to consult the "Questions" page which contains information for people who are in financial difficulty.

Salade saine


Do you want to change your eating habits, get back in shape or improve your health? This session takes place over 1 hour, with a history and the changes to be made first.

We will check that these adaptations are adequate to your needs (depending on the period of life in which you are, such as pregnancy, stress, menopause, etc.) and adjust other modifications, according to your request and your feelings.


1 hour of follow-up for CHF 120.-

Video conference consultation possible

La méditation de la mer


There are many surprises in life, and although we cannot predict the future, we can control our present. Thanks to the Ericksonian hypnosis sessions, you will discover freedom in the choice of your actions and access to new resources allowing you to face the trials of life.



1 hour of therapy for CHF 100.-

Produits frais

Package of 3 nutritional monitoring sessions

A perfect formula for a complete follow-up and for a faster change.


These are 2 nutrition monitoring sessions and the 3rd is your choice:

  • A 3rd nutrition follow-up session

  • Or a hypnosis session and understand the reason for your difficulties with food

  • Or a one-hour coaching session during your food purchases where you will learn to read product labels, find lower calorie equivalents and also discover new foods to brighten up your dishes.

These sessions will take place every 2 or even 3 weeks, according to your schedule and for a better adaptation of your body. 

3 sessions of 1 hour of therapy for CHF 380.-

Video conference consultation possible

Image de Sahand Hoseini

Package of 3 hypnotherapy sessions

A perfect formula for a complete therapy and for a faster change.


Ideal for quitting requests, eating behaviors and more.









3 sessions of 1 hour of therapy for CHF 270.-

Consultation en visioconférence possible

Jeune couple Expecting

HypnoNatal® prenatal support

It is a method of physical and mental relaxation associated with visualizations, positive suggestions specially created for pregnancy and childbirth. Simple and accessible method for all future mothers, as well as for creating a bond with their child.

4 sessions of 1 hour 30 minutes each for CHF 450.-

Lapin de Pâques Costume

Hypnosis for children

Is your child a victim of bullying at school? Does he have nightmares at night? Or is he worried about bedwetting?

Hypnosis is a powerful tool to help your child. He will have the opportunity to express himself on his problem if he wishes and it is with the help of mental images and stories, specially designed for him, that the child will be able to unconsciously find a solution. to his problem. Like cartoons do with a message or moral at the end.


3 sessions of 1 hour for CHF 300.-

Accueil: Services


At your service

Accueil: FAQ

Did you know ?

Hypnosis is a Modified State of Consciousness (EMC) that activates unconscious processes in our mind.

It is not a "gift", it is a method invented by the psychiatrist and psychologist Milton Erickson. This technique is used by therapists, psychologists, doctors and some dentists for therapeutic purposes.

We all experience the hypnotic state every day. For example, when you do your workout or an hour of cardio, the hour passes so quickly that you are surprised that the machine slows down and indicates the end of the session. The same goes for reading or how absorbed you are by a movie.


This state of being "on the moon", another example: you fix a point in front of you while waiting for the bus. Your eyes are so attached to it and you feel so good listening to the words of a song with your headphones on your ears ... that you don't even notice that the bus has just passed under your nose !

What is NLP ?

NLP, or Neuro Linguistic Programming (PNL in french), is a methodology that acts on behaviors by means of language, developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in the United States in 1970. It uses scientific bases such as empiricism, constructivism, semantics and many more. Thereafter NLP is also used in other fields than psychology, such as sports performance, management, communication, personal development or in pedagogy.


NLP is also considered to be applied psychology. NLP therapists aim to help clients stay active to achieve their goals, find the resources they need to get there, become independent, and increase confidence and self-esteem. It’s a more positive way of seeing the world around us and life.

Qu’est-ce que le R.I.T.M.O.® ?

Le R.I.T.M.O.® ou "Retraitement de l'Information Traumatique par Mouvements Oculaires", est une technique de gestion des traumatismes inspirée de l'EMDR.


Elle a été élaborée par Lili Ruggieri, psychopraticienne intégrative, hypnopraticienne et thérapeute conjugale et familiale à Paris. 

Est-ce que le R.I.T.M.O.® est la même chose que l'EMDR ?

Non, ce n'est pas la même chose que l'EMDR. Par contre la technique R.I.T.M.O.® en est proche.

L'EMDR, ou "Eye Movement Densensitization and Reprocessing", naît en 1987 aux Etats-Unis. C'est Francine Shapiro, une psychologue américaine qui met au point cette méthode de manière fortuite suite à sa découverte d'une maladie grave. C'est lorsqu'elle se ballade dans un parc avec un certain nombre de pensées morbides et négatives, qu'elle se rend compte qu'en regardant des détails sur son chemin de droite à gauche, que l'émotion reliée aux pensées négatives se dissipe. Elle reproduira l'expérience avec un groupe de volontaires et en fait sa thèse de doctorat. 

L'EMDR France est une marque déposée en France et qui est réservée au corps médical. Le R.I.T.M.O.® est donc une technique apparentée à l'EMDR et rendue accessible aux personnes qui n'appartiennent pas au corps médical et qui sont formées à l'hypnose et à la PNL.

Sa créatrice est Lili Ruggieri et c'est auprès d'elle que je me suis formée à cette technique.

A little about history

Hypnosis, or the principle of change due to an exchange of communication, has existed for as long as human relationships.


If we look at the archaeological side, the first traces of the practice of hypnosis (accompaniment by speech) already dates back to the time of the Sumerians, more than 4000 years ago.


In 1843, James Braid (Scottish surgeon) laid the scientific foundations for a verbal therapeutic practice: hypnosis. Subsequently, many names of the time were interested, such as Freud, Victor Hugo and Charcot. The latter was able to observe the distinction between lesional and functional disorders of the brain and thus open the way to neuropsychiatry.


To conclude this historic chapter, therapeutic hypnosis is based on the work of Milton H. Erickson, psychiatrist and psychologist at the beginning of the 20th century. He is considered to be the founder of the current of brief therapies. He developed an extraordinary sense of observation following an illness (polio) that left him paralyzed for a while. Erickson decides to focus on imagination and visualization to learn to walk again. So he unknowingly created self-hypnosis and was able to walk again a year later.


Why and when use hypnotherapy ?

Hypnosis allows you to do in-depth work and quickly gain an overview of its virtues:

  • To resolve blockages, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorders), phobias, old injuries, known or unknown

  • To defuse a pattern of thoughts, limiting beliefs or bad habits, such as tobacco, snacking etc.

  • It help to clarify the situation as well as the discovery of resources to move forward

  • Stress management, anxiety, refocus

  • Weight problems

  • Trauma, emotional shock, bereavement


... and many others.

Hypnotherapy is one of the brief therapies, so it takes 2 to 5 sessions to treat the causes of a symptom.

It is also possible that, depending on the depth of the symptom, additional sessions may be necessary over time.

Are we completely relieved of our problems after a hypnosis session?

Unfortunately, it does not work that way. You should know before any hypnosis session that therapists are not there to "do what they need to do for the client to recover." The therapist is a guide, in reality, it is up to the client to do most of the work, because the process is done internally. The therapist cannot do it for the client.


As mentioned earlier and depending on demand, it may be necessary to go through several hypnotherapy sessions before being released from what keeps you going. The packages of 5 and 10 sessions that I propose are for a lasting change.

Is hypnosis a sort of sleep ?

No, it has nothing to do with sleep. When you are in a hypnotic trance (or rather in an Altered State of Consciousness, ASC), you are totally conscious during the therapy and master of yourself.


If the hypnotic state is very pleasant, it is by no means a relaxation session. It is an active work where the trance can be done with open eyes or even standing. Think of the example of the bus stop, cited above.

Are we under the influence of the hypnotist, like in Messmer's shows ?

No, on the contrary, when you are in ASC, you have more control over yourself, your imagination and your creativity will be increased tenfold, your perception of the elapsed time will be modified and you will hear sounds which you have not yet been able to or never paid attention, like your breathing, the beating of your heart ... You have full control of your body and you keep your free will. This is the principle of Ericksonian hypnosis.


As stated in the question, as far as Messmer is concerned, it is a show and for "crowd fascination". It is in no way for therapeutic purposes.

Have you been told that you're not able to be hypnotized ?

I can assure you that you are, you live it daily in a natural way, as said before. It's just that the person who hypnotized you in the past did not find the right technique to induce you in ASC and that you did not trust him/her enough to let him/her take you into this trance.

Is hypnotherapy effective on children ?

Of course ! Moreover, children are often more receptive and work faster than adults. As children have their own imaginary world, they find it very easy to dive into the world of hypnosis, because they already do it on their own several times a day, they even tell you about their daily adventures.


Often, it only takes 2 or 3 sessions to resolve a behavioral or emotional dysfunction. The method I practice was developed and taught to me by the psychologist and hypnotherapist Lise Bartoli, it is aimed at children from 5 to 12 years old.

What is my approach to nutrition ?

To me, eating should be a pleasure and not a constraint or stress. We need to fuel our body every day so that it can continue to perform well. Therefore, food should be seen as our ally.


During our follow-up, we will not be talking about restrictions or diets, but diet, which is a long-term eating habit, which we will gently bring into your daily life. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Guilt-free feasting while staying healthy is possible and I only want to pass this pleasure on to you.

What is my approach to nutrition ?

To me, eating should be a pleasure and not a constraint or stress. We need to fuel our body every day so that it can continue to perform well. Therefore, food should be seen as our ally.


During our follow-up, we will not be talking about restrictions or diets, but diet, which is a long-term eating habit, which we will gently bring into your daily life. In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


Guilt-free feasting while staying healthy is possible and I only want to pass this pleasure on to you.

Did you know that about aromatherapy ?

The field of use of essential oils is vast. Human beings very often use chemical and artificial molecules to treat pathologies or banal injuries. But he forgot that there are molecules just as powerful and natural on Earth: those contained in plants.


There are essential oils with anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, calming, respiratory, draining, circulatory, digestive properties, and many more. It is estimated that 80% of common conditions could be treated with aromatherapy !

What are my rates ?

  • For 1 hour of nutrition, the price is CHF 120.-.

  • For 1 hour of hypnotherapy the session is CHF 100.-.

  • For the package of 3 nutritional monitoring sessions of 1 hour each session, the total price is CHF 380.-.

  • For the package of 3 hypnotherapy sessions of 1 hour each session, the total price is CHF 270.-.

  • For the follow-up of 4 HypnoNatal® prenatal support sessions of 1 hour 30 minutes for each session, the total price is CHF 450.-.

  • For the follow-up of 3 hypnosis sessions for children of 1 hour for each session, the total price is CHF 300.-


For people in financial difficulties (Students - Unemployed - AVS - AI ...):

  • For a 1 hour nutrition session, the price is CHF 90.-.

  • For a 1 hour hypnotherapy session, the price is CHF 80.-.

  • For the package of 3 nutritional monitoring sessions, the total price is CHF 310.-.

  • For the package of 3 hypnotherapy sessions, the total price is CHF 200.-.

  • For the 4 HypnoNatal® prenatal support sessions, the total price is CHF 380.-.

  • For the 3 hypnosis sessions for children the total price is CHF 240.-.

What are my hours and the location of the practice ?

Working part-time, I receive you at my home, which is in Switzerland in the Nyon region, or if you prefer, we can arrange an appointment at your place (depending on the distance, travel costs will be expected). I can travel in the region of the Canton of Vaud, preferably between Geneva and Lausanne.

I practice during the weekend or during the week, contact me for more information.

Please note :

The session can be conducted in French, English (not my mother tongue) or Czech.


Consultations are paid according to your preference:

- cash

- by TWINT

- wire transfer

at the end of each session. Except for packages of 3 and 4 sessions, which are paid after the first session, in one go.


Postponement or withdrawal: no later than 24 hours before. Otherwise, half of the session will be billed.

Do not hesitate to take a look at my blog, where I will regularly share information about the office and some articles on hypnotherapy.


Thank you for your understanding and do not hesitate to contact me in case of other questions.

Accueil: Témoignages

“I didn't have a lot of knowledge about hypnotherapy. Caroline explained the process to me and put me at ease.


During the therapy, I got carried away by her words and also by her pleasant voice.


After this first session with Caroline, I really felt a change, while gaining self-confidence. I look forward to the next session to continue this progression. ”

Elisa, administrative assistant and accounting assistant, 27 years old

Accueil: Contact

Make an appointment

If you would like to make an appointment for a consultation, please contact me. I can receive you at my home (near Nyon) or come directly to your home.

+41 76 497 79 03

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